Why Choose Moxi for Melasma

Why Choose Moxi for Melasma

Melasma is a skin condition that is more than skin deep. OMNI SCULPT MD provides an excellent treatment for melasma with our advanced MOXI laser. This innovative laser treatment offers a revolutionary way to treat melasma at its core. We’ll help you learn all you need to know about melasma and our Moxi laser treatment. Contact us today to schedule a consultation. 

What Is Melasma?

Melasma is a very common skin issue that is characterized by darker-colored patches on the face. You may notice flat or freckle-like patches on your body, primarily on your face. It often affects women after pregnancy and darkens over time. It is a harmless skin condition that makes some patients feel self-conscious.

Effects of Melasma

Melasma is not a cancerous skin issue or even a sign of cancer. It’s important to always watch any skin changes though. Melasma doesn’t typically disappear on its own. Some people have it their entire lives, while others only have it for a short time. We can find the most effective treatment for you.

Is Melasma Curable?

While there is no cure for melasma, there are multiple ways to treat it. We’ve seen positive results using the Moxi laser to treat melasma. Melasma may not ever be permanently eliminated, but the Moxi laser helps to make the skin even and the patches lighter. 

What Is a MOXI Laser Treatment?

The MOXI laser is a gentle treatment that helps target pigment issues. The Moxi laser has a small tip that creates micro-injuries on the skin. This helps to boost your collagen production levels to treat melasma and other skin issues, including hyperpigmentation, age spots, freckles, and sunspots. The gentle laser is one of the best ways to rejuvenate your face. 

Why Choose MOXI for Melasma Treatment?

Moxi is safe and effective in treating melasma and other pigmentation issues. While many lasers are excellent in treating lighter skin tones, MOXI is here for all skin types. The laser doesn’t have a high amount of heat, which triggers many hyperpigmentation issues. The gentle laser effectively treats the skin, targeting areas of uneven texture. We haven’t seen anything like it before in the medical spa world. Moxi is one of the most revolutionary treatments for melasma and offers our patients a boost in confidence. 

MOXI Laser Treatment Results

Most patients notice results from their Moxi laser treatments in about a week after the appointment. You’ll get the best results after a series of treatments. Since every patient is different, we work with you to determine the recommended amount of treatments for your skin’s needs. 

Benefits of MOXI for Melasma Treatment

Our patients have been astounded at the effects of Moxi laser treatments for melasma. The skin condition is often aggressive and relentless. One of the exciting reasons we brought the Moxi laser into OMNI SCULPT was to help boost the confidence of our patients with melasma. Some of our patients have fought melasma their entire lives, so we love giving them a treatment that helps them eliminate dark spots. 

Meet Louis DeGironemo M.D., D.C.

Dr. Louis DeGironemo, also called “Dr. D” is OMNI SCULPT MD Medical Spa’s owner. Along with our medical experts, Dr. D loves to stay ahead with innovative skincare and anti-aging treatments. We customize our skincare treatments to meet the unique needs of every patient. We want to make your skin glow and help you feel amazing. Dr. D is a double board-certified physician in Anesthesiology and Interventional Pain Medicine with the American Board of Anesthesiology. He works with every patient to find the specific anti-aging and skincare regimen that fits their needs. He knows the best ways to combine treatments and what to use to reach your skincare goals. 

Contact OMNI SCULPT MD Medical Spa Today 

OMNI SCULPT MD Medical Spa is running a special this month on our Moxi laser treatment. If you buy a package of three Moxi Laser treatments, you get one for FREE ($900 value). Believe us, the Moxi laser treatment is worth every penny. You’ll love the look and feel of your skin after a Moxi laser treatment. If you battle melasma, let us help you. We know it can be frustrating, but we are here to help with our innovative skincare treatments. Contact us today for a consultation!

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