Chin and Jawline Filler in Dallas, TX

Discover Sculpted Elegance
With Chin and Jawline Fillers

Get the refined beauty & sculpted
elegance you've always dreamed of
with our specialized Chin and Jawline Fillers.

What is Chin and Jawline Filler and How Does It Work?

Chin and jawline fillers are injectable facial fillers designed to create more definition and structure in the jawline and chin by adding volume and contour and giving the face a more balanced, symmetrical appearance. They’re a safe, non-surgical chin augmentation and jawline contouring technique that can work wonders for concerns like a weak chin, jowls, and a lack of jawline definition.

Why We Use Radiesse® Filler for Jawline Contouring

Radiesse® filler is our preferred filler for non-surgical jawline contouring because of its distinctive capabilities. Radiesse® doesn’t just deliver immediate volume and contour – it also stimulates the body’s natural production of collagen in the area. This collagen growth helps results both endure and improve over time. And the dense texture of Radiesse® makes it perfect for accentuating more angular areas of the face like the jawline. This is what makes Radiesse® perfect for jawline sculpting.

When you book a consultation for chin and jawline fillers at OMNI SCULPT MD, Dr. DeGironemo will perform a thorough examination of your face and discuss your aesthetic goals to determine if Radiesse® fillers are right for you.

Benefits of Chin and Jawline Filler

Chin and jawline fillers at OMNI SCULPT MD in Dallas, TX offer a range of benefits for improving the overall appearance of your face and giving you the jawline you’ve always dreamed of.

Non-Surgical Chin & Jawline Contouring – No lengthy recovery times or invasive procedures necessary.

Immediate Results – You’ll see results like enhanced facial balance and symmetry right away.

Replenish Volume Lost with Age – Defy the aging process and regain your youthful appearance.

Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem – Redefining your facial appearance can give you the confidence you deserve.

What to Expect When Getting Chin & Jawline Filler at OMNI SCULPT MD in Dallas, TX

Every chin and jawline filler procedure at OMNI SCULPT MD in Dallas begins with a thorough consultation with Dr. Louis DeGironemo, our double-board certified physician and facial anatomy expert. He will conduct a thorough examination of your facial features and discuss your aesthetic goals and expectations.

Based on the information gathered in your consultation, Dr. D will develop a personalized treatment plan tailored for your face. Everyone’s face is unique, so we believe every chin and jawline filler treatment needs to be unique, too.

Dr. D expertly injects Radiesse® filler into the chosen areas with a fine needle. Some slight swelling and redness after the injections is normal and subsides quickly. Dr. D has been able to achieve incredible results with his chin and jawline filler technique. You can see them in the Before and After photos on this page, and you can see even more great results in our Chin and Jawline Filler Before and After Gallery.

Book your consultation at OMNI SCULPT MD today and learn how chin and jawline fillers can help you enhance your appearance!

How to Prepare for Chin and Jawline Fillers

Before your chin and jawline filler appointment at OMNI SCULPT, there are a few precautions we recommend you take to get the best possible results:

  • During your consultation, tell Dr. DeGironemo about any allergies you have or any past reactions you’ve had to similar treatments
  • Refrain from using blood-thinning medications and supplements like ibuprofen and vitamin E for at least a week before your appointment
  • Stay well-hydrated and maintain your overall personal health
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages for 24 hours before treatment
  • Come to your appointment with a clean face – no makeup or lotions, please

Dr. DeGironemo will go over these precautions with you during your consultation, as well as aftercare instructions. Specific post-treatment instructions will be provided at your appointment.

Our Dermal Filler Brands and Price Per Syringe:


View our gallery of Jawline/Chin Filler before and afters!

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