Our Signature Neck & Face Rejuvenation Treatment

We are all about natural-looking results that boost our patients’ confidence. OMNI SCULPT MD in Dallas, TX, offers stunning neck and face rejuvenation treatments that are customized to our patients. Dr. D is known for his signature neck and face rejuvenation treatments that use a combination of our treatments for optimal results. We typically use a combination of dermal fillers, Botox, PRF, and other collagen and elastin builders in your neck and face. We focus on tightening your skin, eliminating wrinkles, and correcting volume loss. This technique allows us to naturally refresh, contour, and balance your face to slow down the aging process. We’ll dive into our exciting neck and face rejuvenation treatments.

Why Full Pan Facial Rejuvenation?

Dr. DeGironemo’s approach to anti-aging treatments is treating the face as a whole for natural results. We work with you to create a unique long-term strategy to fight aging. We customize treatments o your goals and anatomy. Our signature face and neck rejuvenation treatments ensure your treatments are balanced with optimal results.

Dermal Fillers

We use dermal fillers for many areas in the face or neck to help rejuvenate and smooth your skin. We can boost your lip volume, enhance the volume in your cheeks, fill in marionette lines, and more. We offer multiple types of dermal fillers, including:


Botox is arguably the most well-known neurotoxin. We have different types, including Botox, Dysport, Jeaveau, and Xeomin. We typically use Botox injections to help eliminate fine lines and wrinkles on the face. The muscles are temporarily disengaged to fight the aging process that naturally forms fine lines and wrinkles.


PRF, or platelet-rich fibrin, can be used for many different treatments. We spin your blood in a centrifuge to separate the platelets and blood cells. We can use PRF for undereye circles, hair restoration, scars, and more.

Collagen Builders

Collagen is a fibrous protein that naturally helps rejuvenate skin. Our collagen biostimulators like Radiesse and Sculptra activate your collagen renewal and restore its volume. Radiesse helps moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds. Sculptra’s secret ingredient of poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) offers natural-looking, long-lasting results for folds and wrinkles.


Kybella is used to fat cells under the chin. The key ingredient of deoxycholic acid2 busts a double chin. Once it is injected into your chin, the fat cells are permanently destroyed over time. Kybella is an excellent addition to full facial and neck restoration treatments to give you the perfect profile.

The Importance of Facial Balancing

Dr. D is committed to using facial balancing for every patient. It’s essential to balance treatments that work with all areas of your face and neck to ensure perfect symmetry. We will never let you walk out the door looking unnatural. We offer Facial Balancing & Restoration Treatment Plans that are perfectly tailored to your face. We understand everyone’s facial structure is unique, so we do a facial analysis as a starting place. Then we offer recommendations for restoration.

Meet Louis DeGironemo M.D., D.C.

Dr. Louis DeGironemo, also called “Dr. D,” proudly customizes every anti-aging and skincare treatment at our medical spa. Dr. D is a double board-certified physician in Anesthesiology and Interventional Pain Medicine with the American Board of Anesthesiology. The OMNI SCULPT MD Medical Spa team and Dr. D are famous in Dallas for our facial rejuvenation techniques. Using non-invasive treatments without downtime, we boost your confidence on your lunch break. Dr. D always listens to your goals and tailors the perfect treatments for you.

Contact OMNI SCULPT MD Medical Spa Today

Dr. D’s famous neck and face rejuvenation treatments in Dallas, TX, help you look and feel your best. We don’t just throw a random anti-aging treatment at you. We extensively examine your facial structure to ensure the perfect, customized treatment plan for your needs. We strive to be Dallas’ number one luxury aesthetics and anti-aging medical spa that works hard for you. Contact Dr. DeGironemo today for an appointment!

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