What Neuromodulator Is Right For Me? Botox, Dallas Texas

How do you know which neuromodulator is right for you? At OMNI SCULPT MD, we offer multiple types of neuromodulators, including BOTOX®, JEUVEAU®, DYSPORT®, and XEOMIN® in Dallas, Texas. All neuromodulators block the release of acetylcholine in the nerve endings to help relax muscles and fight wrinkles. Their subtle differences make them unique. We’ll help you determine the best neuromodulator for your desired look and feel. Contact OMNI SCULPT MD to get started!

BOTOX® For Effective Treatment Of Fine Lines And Wrinkles

BOTOX® is one of the most popular neuromodulators. Most people choose to use BOTOX® in the forehead, frown lines, and around the eyes. It’s easily injected and applied in areas that reveal fine lines and wrinkles. Whether you want BOTOX® for wrinkles, volume restoration, or dermal fillers, it’s a fast and effective treatment. BOTOX® is an FDA-approved treatment that works by using botulinum toxin type A to relax your facial muscles, helping to relax wrinkles temporarily. You shold begin seeing results in about two to three days with full effect at about a week. The treatment typically lasts from three to six months.

Smoothing Fine Lines With Dysport Treatments

OMNI SCULPT MD offers prescription Dysport treatments to Dallas, TX patients wishing to smooth fine lines and wrinkles. It provides a temporary fix to soften wrinkles without changing facial muscular movement. This safe, FDA-approved treatment is perfect for people that want to address forehead wrinkles, facial symmetry, crow’s feet, and frown lines. Dysport contains the same active ingredient of Botulinum Type A to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. It spreads faster over a larger surface area with just a few injections. Dysport is most popular for forehead lines and “11” lines. It works in about two to four days and lasts about three months. 

What Are Jeuveau® Injections at OMNI SCULPT MD?

Jeuveau® injections are an innovative way to rid of fine lines and wrinkles. The injectable form of botulinum toxin, Jeuveau® targets deep wrinkles. By specializing in addressing glabellar line wrinkles, or frown lines, clients are ecstatic about the results. Jeuveau® is FDA-approved and treats a wide range of concerns. The injections are directly inserted into your facial muscles. Most patients notice results in three days and last for a few months.

The Purity of Xeomin

Xeomin is a neuromodulator that acts almost identical to BOTOX. The injectable is often called “naked BOTOX” because of its purity. Xeomin contains the same form of botulinum toxin, but it does not contain accessory proteins. This structure helps prevent antibody resistance to the injectable. Xeomin is highly effective against fine lines and wrinkles, crow’s feet, and forehead lines. It’s also used to treated excessive salivation. Xeomin patients notice results within a few days, and it lasts about three to four months.

So, Which Neuromodulator Is Right For Me?

Each neuromodulator has its unique personality. Our experts at OMNI SCULPT MD will help determine the best neuromodulator for your needs. We put your health and safety first, so we’re always on top of our neuromodulators’ newest innovations and safety standards. Contact Dr. DeGironemo today for an appointment!

How do you know which neuromodulator is right for you? At OMNI SCULPT MD, we offer multiple types of neuromodulators, including BOTOX®, JEUVEAU®, DYSPORT®, and XEOMIN® in Dallas, Texas. While all neuromodulators block the release of acetylcholine in the nerve endings to help relax muscles and fight wrinkles, they’re all different. We’ll help you determine the best neuromodulator for your desired look and feel. Contact OMNI SCULPT MD to get started!

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